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worldThere are seven stages in BTecNet's information engineering business model:-

Information Strategy Planning :
The fundamental objective of Information Strategy Planning (ISP) is to develop a plan for implementing business systems to support business needs.

Outline Business Area Analysis :
This answers a range of questions related to implementation of a business area. Select tasks to include in a particular project that provide support for business decisions and objectives. Specific information needs and priorities for the business area are needed.

Detailed Business Area Analysis :
The purpose of this analysis is to provide detailed models as a solid basis for system design. The methodology helps find the right answers to the right questions. Applying the methodology is never an end in itself.

Business System Design :
The purpose of a Business System Design project is to specify all aspects of a system that are relevant to its users, in preparation for the technical design, construction, and installation of one or more closely related databases and systems. The key tasks are therefore structured to produce unambiguous consistent specifications, with the volume of detail necessary to make planning and technical design decisions.

Technical Design :
A Technical Design project prepares an implementation area for construction and installation. The key tasks are structured to produce a system and database that meet the user's acceptance criteria and are technically sound.

Construction :
The objective of the Construction stage is to produce a system, as defined in the technical specification, on time and within budget. The system should be of an acceptable quality, and contain all necessary operating and user procedures. The task is complete when the acceptance criteria for the business system are met.

Transition :
Transition is defined as the period during which newly developed procedures gradually replace or are interfaced with existing procedures. The execution of a Transition project obviously demands a thorough understanding of both the system to be installed and the systems to be replaced.

Selected Articles

* * * * *
1. Business Success Through Human Centred Systems:

2. NATO Conference: Industrial Application of Anthropocentric Systems:
3. The Helical Approach to Software Design.
4. Excel in Business!

5. European Visions for the Knowledge Age

6. Computer Integrated Production Systems and Organizations


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